AAUW – The Green Bay Area Branch


The Green Bay Area Branch of AAUW currently has over 50 members.  We work to fulfill the AAUW mission and our branch vision:
to create a diverse group of educated persons making a positive impact on the community and on individual members.

Through the branch you will have the opportunity to:

  • Attend branch meetings on topics of interest
  • Expand your community of friends and develop leadership skills
  • Support the AAUW FUNDS, which provide fellowships, research, project and professional development grants, leadership development programs, and public policy education
  • Provide local scholarships to students 25 or older earning their first post-secondary degrees
  • Participate in book discussion groups and cultural/community events
  • Monitor gender equity in our public schools and at the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay
  • Participate in Get-Out-The-Vote activities and issue forums

Members receive the monthly AAUW BayNotes newsletter and updates.

Members also receive the monthly state publication Badger Briefs Aug. Sept. ’24 

Download and fill out our 24-25 Member application here.