Upcoming Events

The Green Bay Area AAUW branch has a number of special interest groups.  

The Art Group meets the second Thursday of the month.

The art group will be going to the Door Artworks Studio and Gallery Thursday – 115 N Wisconsin St.  DePere.  March 13 at 10:00am.  It is the creative home for abstract and visual artists Jane Hostetler and Suzy Pfeifer.  Blue Door is a working studio where creativity and advocacy for the arts is at the core of their mission. Lunch will follow at Delights Bakery and Cafe – 143 N Wisconsin DePere.  Please RSVP to Mary Woodbridge miwiwi@new.rr.com.


The  monthly art exhibits the group will be visiting are listed below:

Art programs for 24-25

The Adelante book group meets the fourth Wednesday of the month at 5:30 at the Green Bay Distillery.  Each book chosen  has a woman author.  The selections for this year are as follows:


The afternoon book group meets the fourth Monday of the month at 3pm.  The  book selections for the year are listed below:

AAUW 2024-2025 Book List Web